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Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.

-Henry David Thoreau 



Classes, Workshops, Creativity Gatherings

Life is about moments:

don't wait for them,create them. 

Tidy Up Your Life

Bringing order to chaos also brings a calmness to our lives.  Tidying frees up not only our time but our minds to focus on loved ones and the most important moments in our life and not just our things.  Tidying up helps us to focus on what we value and to let the rest go.

Blog Articles

Inspirational articles to help you get started on creating the vision of how you want your life to be.  Creating a home that supports you in the life you want to live. 

My Mission in Life

Is Not Merely To Survive,

But To Thrive;

And To Do So With Some Passion,

Some Compassion,

Some Humor, 

And Some Style.

- Maya Angelou


Organize by Project, Hour, Jumpstart a Project, Yearly or Seasonal Plans

Call for Free Consultation

Playful Living

Adding Play Everyday!

Fill Your Life With Experiences,

Not Things.

Have Stories To Tell,

Not Stuff To Show.


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