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Inspiration for Creating an Organized and Tidy Home

  • Create calm from chaos.

  • Create a simple life that works for you and your family.

  • Create a home that is clean and tidy that fits your life’s vision.

  • Create a home that supports the lifestyle you desire.

  • Create a home full of loved ones making time for what matters most.  

Creating a Tidy Home & Life

Organizing Services

Take time to understand how you and your family really live in your home.  Think about those things you want to spend time doing. Think about what you want to eliminate from your life. Are you being purposeful in the way your are living and have set up your home? 


Do you never entertain because you love quiet evenings at home, but have a dedicated dinning room, all the serving pieces and trappings for large parties? You would love to paint and draw but do not have the space.  Why haven't you turned that unused dinning room into the art studio you always dream about?  Step outside the lines and re-imagine the life you want to be living.  Your home can support you in those dreams. Isn't it time?

Office, Files, Command Center

Every home needs a nerve center where everything coming in is taken care of.  It doesn't need to be a large space. It does help to have it in a central location.  This is where all the papers, mail, and bills land. Where the planning takes place.  Often, even if you have an office, it doesn't end up being the nerve center of the home. Its often too far away from where the action takes place. Look where the stacks of papers have naturally piled up. As close to this location would work better because of the natural flow.  See if you can create a new nerve center near there that can eliminate those piles. 

Kitchens & Dinning Rooms

This is  one area of our homes that we spend a large amount of time doing things.  From planning to shopping then on to cooking, eating and cleaning up.  This is the one part of the home that needs to be organized and running smoothly whether you hate to cook or love it. Its also one area that can save you the most money when it is organized. You will have less wasted food and less last minute meals eaten out.  This savings can add up quickly.  If you want to eat healthy, is your kitchen setup up to help you accomplish this more easily? 

Living Room, Family Rooms

This is one of my favorite spaces to spend with my loved ones.  Is there enough comfortable seating?  What activities do you do in these rooms?  Have you thought about moving your TV if your family watches more television then you want?  Have you put the games where they are easy to access so your family can spend more time playing them. Are those games in a cabinet in the basement difficult to get out?  Take time to think about what ways you want to interact with your loved one and create that environment.   


Too much frustration is caused by the messes in these rooms. This should be the most relaxing rooms in your home.  Are there piles of papers, clothes, and toys?  Eliminate them and make your bedroom an oasis.  Its time to remove things that distract.  If you must have additional uses of the space in this room, do your best to have furniture that makes it possible to close it when not in use.  


Why is it so difficult to let old clothes go?  Are we waiting for them to fit, the right mood to hit, or a special occasion?  Wouldn't getting ready be easier if everything in our closet fit perfectly and we liked wearing it.  It really is time to eliminate and donate.  If we paired down our closets to only those items we loved there would be plenty of room.  Getting ready each day would be simple and a pleasure.  We would feel more confident in facing the day.  There are lots of fun ways of doing this.  


A small space like bathrooms makes it a fun and simple to indulge.  I like to imagine the perfect spa like space and start by working some of those ideas into your bathroom. Even little things like having large soft fluffy towels adds pleasure to each day when preparing to go out into the world. 


If we really only kept those things our children really played with how many toys would they have?  We spend too much time and money buying, sorting, picking up and organizing toys.  Something we do not often think about it what is the purpose of play. Play really is important not only to children but to adults too. Toys should help children to explore their imagination and develop age appropriate skills. Take time to think about why you are buying the type of toys you do?  Why are you hanging on to so many that they no longer show an interest in?  If they are old enough, involve children when going through toys.  It can be painless if you have the right attitude.  

Craft & Hobby


You do not have to have a whole room dedicated to your hobbies.  Look around  your home to see if you can carve out a space to explore your creativity. A place for you to continue to develop yourself and dig into your interests and your dreams.  

Garages, Sheds, & Storage Units

These are the places that our things often go do die.  I sometimes think of these spaces as a 'pit of no return.'  We have great intentions, but without organization, we are not able to find those things when we really need it.  We also tend to think we have the room to hang on to it all.  More often than we like to admit, when we do finally need that item and we eventually find said item, it no longer functions like it should.   It is time to let it go...really it is.  If it has sentimental value display it and treat it with the respect we say we have for it.

Take the first step...

Step outside the lines and re-imagine the life you want to be living.  Your home can support you in those dreams. Isn't it time?

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