We started trying to make this happen in May. The Puliminologists said they are overwhelmed with children even more than normal for the time of year.
We both made it through the sleep study. I think I am way more tired than he is today. Weston was awesome!
We got a call back with the results within 24 hours. That is never a sign of good news.
He needs a CPAP machine right away. He is having 51.5 obstructions per hour. More than 10 is considered Severe. He needs to go to an ENT and see about having his tonsils removed.
I learned that there is a big difference between disturbances and obstructions and how they are counted and their severity. I kept hearing people with big numbers and was a wee bit mixed up on why he was considered so serious with the 51.5 number. Found out that it was a difference in what the numbers were, what they mean, and what is happening when it occurs.
Disturbances: Arousal, and Awakenings (these reduce the amount of air getting to the lungs and can arouse you.) Usually, one gets a nighttime total and is the larger number you usually are given. Over 100 is not good! He is at 211.
Index/hour: this is the apnea-hypopnea index (moderate 15-30, over 30 severe). His is at 27.9 which is moderate.
Obstructions: when they stop breathing for at least 10 seconds or more. Severe is more than 30/hour for adults and 10/hour for children. We were at 51.5/hour.
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