Results are back and plans are getting put into place for moving forward with Hyrum's healing.
The MIS-C attack to Hyrum's body is subsiding. The inflammation is reducing. Thankfully his MRI is normal. This is good news...meaning that there is hopefully no new damage being done. Unfortunately, there is no magic pill or medication to reverse the damage done. His body justs needs time to repair and heal. We are doing our best to give it everything it needs to heal.
The next steps are getting Hyrum into physical and occupational therapy. These things are in process now. Also making sure Hyrum has additonal help for school, which is already in place.
The neurologists is optimistic about recovery and would expect to see him back to pre-covid within the year. We believe it will be so much sooner. This sweet, silly boy won't stay down for long. At this point, we just need to start and see how it goes. We have seen the slightest improvement in hand tremors and balance. We still have a ways to go but we are moving in the right direction.
